4 Tips to Survive (and Love) Your First Year as a Nurse

Nursing is a very demanding profession that offers a wide range of opportunities to those who want to make caring their career. Nursing school does its best to prepare you for it, but the first year on the job is going to be full of new experiences. Who better to set your expectations than a registered nurse like Jamille Cañano who has gone through it herself? Here are just a few of her tips, the rest of which you can find on Nurseslabs.

You won’t know everything, and it’s ok.

Even if you memorized the procedures on how to treat a certain illness, the inner workings of the hospital or doctor’s office where you are working is going to do things slightly differently. Adapt, keep your ears open and don’t be too nervous suggests Cañano.

Take some time to get to know your new coworkers.

This includes the janitorial and administrative staff. Developing good relationships will help you be the best nurse you can be. Other people frequently have additional information that can help your patients, and you want them to know you are approachable.

Keep looking for new ways to learn.

Cañano encourages new (and more seasoned) nurses to ask questions — a lot of questions. She stresses that it is always better to ask and learn than to do something wrong. Ask for help and treat each day as a new opportunity to learn more.

Learn to prioritize.

Prioritization isn’t just for when you have multiple patients, it’s also for internal struggles and life’s to-do lists. You need to know what to focus on and what to let go. You cannot do everything and learning what you must do and how to do it will pay off in the end.

Follow your passion.

If you’re drawn to providing focused and highly personalized care and interested in advocating for your patients, nursing might be a great for for you. The field has a wide range of career opportunities, ranging from entry-level practitioner to doctoral-level researcher. A few nursing positions that you should consider exploring include:

Click through and you’ll see that each of these positions has one key thing in common: a great career outlook. Now is a great time to get started in this exciting field.


It has been a dream of mine to be a nurse since I was six years old . I have always been passionate about taking care of people , helping them , helping to save someone’s life , making a difference , being there for someone , giving comfort to the patients and families , and doing things for people that they can’t do for themselves . Becoming a nurse is not just a career it is my passion. You know ? There is a saying that goes ” Find your passion and do it , because when you do your passion it’s not just work it’s more ” .

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