Find Your Digital Health Care Career Mentor

If it’s difficult to find time in your busy schedule to sit down and talk with a mentor, technology has brought you the next best thing: podcasts! You can multitask like a pro by listening to podcasts hosted by a professional who can serve as your virtual mentor. The best thing about most medical podcasts is that you don’t need to be an expert or pre-med student to understand the material in them.

These podcasts hosted by health care professionals give listeners of all types a chance to learn more about possible health care careers. Here are some of our suggestions:

Where Should We Begin?

Aspiring marriage and family therapists would find it intriguing to listen to psychotherapist Esther Perel as she counsels troubled couples. During Where Should We Begin, Dr. Perel works with anonymous couples who allow themselves to be recorded and reveal the deepest and darkest thoughts about their relationships. In our previous spotlight, we covered how marriage and family therapists only work with couples for a few sessions; in this show Dr. Perel makes breakthroughs during these consultations. Some of the issues that couples have discussed in the past two seasons are infidelity, wanting children and addiction. If you’re more interested in family therapy, the next season of the show will be geared towards relationships between parents and children, siblings and families as a whole.

Neuroscience for Everyone

When host Ginger Campbell, MD gets on the mic, she has an ability to make even the most complex ideas understandable. The podcast Neuroscience for Everyone gives the untrained audience a way to comprehend the theories and research behind brain science. Dr. Campbell and guests confer on emotion, neurons and why the brain acts the way it does. Neurodiagnostic technologists would especially enjoy the episode that discusses sleep science, including emerging research from one sleep scientist. If you are interested in all matters of the brain, be sure to check this podcast out.

ADA Science Podcast

Join Dr. Robert Weyant, MPH, DMD, PhD as he discusses dentistry with guests. He covers topics ranging from personal experience in the profession to evidence-based research. The ADA Science Podcast gives listeners an opportunity to learn technically and anecdotally. Often, guests — who are usually fellow dentists — share their career paths and their specialities. From best practices to prosthetics, listeners will have a chance to hear about all issues related to dentistry and the dental profession. If you’re unable to talk to someone about the dental profession, this is an opportunity to hear discussions related to it.

You can learn so much during your morning commute or while doing your laundry. Take a break from your favorite playlist and learn about your future health care career from an expert. You can find podcasts available on iTunes, GooglePlay, Audible or wherever else you listen to music. Download an app and start listening now!

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