3 Ways to Remain Productive During Winter Break

Winter break is finally here! You now have time to catch up with friends from home, play some video games and sleep in. There are no early morning classes, exams to study for or awkward group projects. You definitely deserve some relaxation, but don’t become too comfortable – this is the perfect time to get you ahead! Give yourself a couple hours a day to keep yourself productive during this time. When the next semester begins, you may find yourself a little less stressed and a little more confident.

Research scholarships

If you’re back at your parents’ house for winter break, they are probably getting back at you for all those times you didn’t call them back. How? By asking you about your future every waking moment. Impress them by letting them know you already got the ball rolling by searching for scholarships. Each year, there are millions of scholarships available that are worth billions of dollars. Take the time to motivate yourself and apply for as many as you can. For some, it is easy as filling out a form and for others, you may have to write a essay and send out your transcripts. Spend some time on yourself and try to take advantage of all the scholarship options you can.

Don’t know where to find a scholarship that sounds right for you? Check out this scholarship search site to find one!

Update your resume

You may have only a small amount of experience, but it is never too early to start working on your resume. Most jobs, internships and scholarship organizations are going to require one, so you might as well get it started. Research different resume styles online to find the one that works best for you. There are various ways to organize and arrange your resume so that it stands out among the pile. If your career goals will someday require a portfolio, you can start collecting and curating your own work for the future. Pick the best pieces that highlight your strengths and tell a story to whoever will be reviewing it.

Prepare next semester’s study tools

Are you a Type A person who loves to keep organized? Or a Type B person who doesn’t mind leaving their workspace in clutter? No matter what your study style is, you have to prep yourself for next semester’s workload. Invest in binders, planners and folders. Plan to get your work done successfully by getting the tools that can make it easier. Even if you’re not into curating your notes, having them will keep you on track of all your projects and assignments.

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