Now in its seventh year, Health Professions Week 2022 (HPW2022) is a free online career-exploration event.
The mission of Health Professions Week, or HPW, is to assist students who are interested in the health professions but still unsure of their chosen specialty and/or how to best forge a path to success. HPW caters to high school and postsecondary students both domestically and abroad and welcomes educators and family members to also participate and learn.
Not sure how to research a profession of interest that is new to you? HPW can help.
Not sure which major to choose, or which one might be the best fit for you? HPW can help you with that, too.
A Full Week of On-Demand Learning Plus Live Events
Each day of HPW will feature different learning opportunities, providing content that is engaging, fun, and meaningful for attendees. The on-demand format offers a convenient way to log in when your schedule allows, or to plan with our event calendar if you want to attend each day. There are many events during HPW – so you can choose what content matters to you.
Old Favorites Plus New Offerings
As HPW continues to offer its popular signature activities, don’t miss two exciting new activities that have been added this year: the Kahoot Careers Quiz and the Virtual Field Trips.
Here is the full schedule of events for HPW2022:
Saturday, November 5 – Health Talks
Health Talks is HPW’s signature video series, highlighting current topics that are of interest to students pursuing careers in the health professions. HPW2022 topics include Career Pathways for Future Health Profession Students, Connect to your Journey, and Lifelong Learning.
Sunday, November 6 – Self-Care Sunday
#SelfCareSunday at HPW is designed to specifically address self-care subjects. This year’s ‘topics include self-care, mental and emotional wellness, and asking for help. A series of great videos will be shared, covering important topics like suicide awareness and prevention and mental health resiliency.
Monday, November 7 – Career Scavenger Hunt, Virtual Field Trips, and Live Panels
Scavenger Hunt
Join HPW for a virtual scavenger hunt! Grab a map and track down each healthcare ticket on the health profession websites. Download the scavenger hunt map and visit the explorehealthcareers.org website. Locate the healthcare ticket with the missing word on it. Fill in the blank spaces with the missing words to reveal a hidden message.
Virtual Field Trips – (multiple-day event)
All the fun of a campus visit. Without leaving your classroom.
You will have the opportunity to learn more about the campuses, programs, and institutions that offer educational opportunities that interest you. Questions about requirements, admissions, and other student services will be answered. Virtual Field Trips are free and open to students, educators, and entire classrooms.
Monday Live Panel Schedule
Meet current professional students and hear from practicing health professionals as they discuss topics of specific interest and trends in health careers.
LIVE Webinar #1 – LGBTQ+ Student Experience Live Panel – 6pm ET
LIVE Webinar #2 – Dermatology Careers Panel – 8pm ET
Tuesday, November 8 – Financial Literacy Day, more VFT, and Live Panels
HPW’s Super Savvy Money Game!
Be guided through the official HPW board game of financial literacy this week. Don’t let the burden of how to budget for college or your health professions program stop you from winning! Watch the HPW2022 video clues for additional videos to be super savvy – provided by our super savvy financial partner, Sallie Mae. Watch the videos and then answer the two or three questions on the game card.
Virtual Field Trips – (multiple-day event). See event description above.
Tuesday Live Panel Schedule
Meet current professional students and hear from practicing health professionals about specific topics.
LIVE Webinar #1 BIPOC Student Experience Panel – 6pm ET
LIVE Webinar #2: Careers in Women’s Healthcare – 8pm ET
Wednesday, November 9 – Play HPW’s Kahoot! Career Exploration Quiz, VFT, and Live Panels
Join HPW for a fun Kahoot! Quiz. Test your knowledge about careers in healthcare – play with your friends to see who will make it to the podium!
Virtual Field Trips – (multiple-day event). See event description above.
Wednesday Live Panel Schedule
Meet current professional students and hear from practicing health professionals as they discuss topics of specific interest and trends in health careers.
LIVE Webinar #1 – Experience of Students with Disabilities Panel – 6pm ET
LIVE Webinar #2 – Physician’s Response to Gun Violence Panel – 8pm ET
Thursday, November 10 – LIVE Virtual Career Fair – 5-7:30pm ET
Attend the Opening Session at 5pm ET hosted by Health Professions Week. Hear about the professions hosting breakout rooms and how to join in, various session descriptions, and much more.
Then, at 5:30pm ET, the participating professions and partners will open their breakout rooms and offer presentations, Q&A sessions, current student panels, and current profession panels.
Friday, November 11 – Veteran’s Salute
Join HPW to salute veterans working in healthcare, and healthcare professionals who are serving a veteran population in their practice.
Register Now
Registration for HPW2022 is open now! To grab your complimentary seat, sign up using this link.
Once you register, log into your own MyHPW dashboard to see the detailed daily schedule and access all the additional resources that come with your registration. Also, link to the HPW social feeds and sign up to follow and receive future notifications for ongoing support.
The HPW team and its partners cannot wait to see you this November with new ideas, new professions, and new paths to a meaningful career.